简介: Catholicism entered Korea in 1784. Lee Seung-hun spreads the words with the brothers of Jung Yak-jong and Jung Yak-yong. The religion is used as an i
简介: In a genre defined by shocking violence and psychosexual kink, it remains perhaps the most over-the-top "giallo" in EuroCult history: former MGM star
简介: 冬日的夜里,律师米歇尔(伊安•霍姆 Ian Holm 饰)在某洗车房洗车时,接到了嗑药女儿佐伊打来的电话,言语间暴露了父女之间理念上的矛盾。怀着一腔闷气的米歇尔,又遭遇了洗车时车门打不开的尴尬,最后只能愤然弃车,扬长而去。此前,在飞机上,米歇尔曾邂逅女儿的昔日好友艾莉森,并跟他讲述了父女分崩离析的